Physical and physiological requirements in football

von Jürgen Pranger

Gepostet am 10.1.2023

A football match is characterized by the execution of numerous actions of different intensity over a period of 90 minutes (in some cases 120 minutes) depending on the game situation. This activity places considerable demands on the players' physiological systems. Accordingly, both anaerobic and aerobic qualities are important for football. In this article we discuss the requirements and importance of these qualities.

During a football match, the fatigue temporary After short, intense phases and gradually at the end of half-time one. At these times, a more fit team can tire the opponent and make capital out of it, for example by reaching a goal. It was found in studies that the Overall distance and high intensity activities after the most demanding 5-minute phases during a game and at the end of the second half-time compared to the first half-time decrease (Mohr, Krusturp and Bangsbo 2003). It has also been shown that Running distance at high intensity at the end of a game abbreviated (Krustrup et al. 2006). The recovery period between highly intensive actions during a game varies considerably. In the worst case, players in the most extreme case perform up to five high-intensity actions within a minute (a highly intensive action every 12 seconds). fatigue can be caused by neural or central factors (e.g.: central nervous system) as well as muscular or peripheral factors (e.g. accumulation of metabolic products in the muscle fibers); there is no global mechanism responsible for all forms of fatigue (Girard, Mendez-Villanueva and Bishop 2011).

Anaerobe qualities

In football anaerobic qualities important physiological conditions for sprints, jumps, two fights, shots and the defenses of Gegnerian players. Although the aerobic system is the predominant energy system throughout the game, these can short, explosive concentric, eccentric and isometric muscle contractions the decide on the exit of a game.

An example of the relationship between these anaerobic parameters is the strong correlation proven for maximum force, sprint performance and vertical jumping capability in international top footballers was (Wisloff et al. 2004). The type of sprint is different. Most of the sprints in football are about short distance (0 to 10 meters and less than five seconds) and not executed over longer distances. Therefore, Acceleration capacity by professional footballers as important the sprint performance over longer distances. But even if longer accelerations and sprints are not often performed, players reach during a game a maximum or almost maximum speed, and these long sprints should be taken into account during training.

Aerobe qualities

During a 90-minute game, players reach 80 to 90% of their maximum heart rate, which is 70 to 90% of their maximum oxygen intake (VO2max); Stolen et al. 2005). The heart rate of a football player lies during a game Less than 65 % the maximum (Bangsbo, Mohr and Krustrup 2006). All this indicates that aerobe energy system heavily stressed during a football match will. The ability to recover between the repetitions of activities and maintain a high intensity during the game is crucial for a football player.

One high aerobic fitness therefore for a football player Importantbecause then he intensive training last longer and can recover faster between the high-intensity phases of the game (Iaia, Rampinini and Bangsbo 2009).

Several authors found significant relationships between the VO2max and the "Repeated Sprint Ability" (Aziz, Chia and Teh 2000) Dupont et al. 2005). However, some authors did not find any significant correlations between these two abilities (Aziz et al. 2007; Castagna et al. 2007). The differences in the results could be due to the selected protocol, in particular to the number of sprints, the duration of sprints, the duration of recovery or the intensity of recovery.

In addition to the VO2max, the VO2-Kinetics another important aerobic property, with the ability to Maintenance of performance for repeated activities as they occur in football matches. As proposed by Tomlin and Weneger (2001), a higher VO2 value during sprinting to a lower dependency on the anaerobic glycolysis and thus better performance. A faster VO2 adaptation at the beginning could lead to a greater contribution of oxidative phosphorylation and a lower O2 deficiency. Faster VO2 kinetics can enable better adaptation of the oxidative processes, which are necessary at the transition from calm to stress, as is frequently the case with the intermittent character of a football match (Rampinini et al. 2009). A faster VO2 kinetics makes it possible for a player to adapt more quickly to the energy requirements, which leads to a lower O2 deficiency (Phillips et al. 1995), and it has been shown in studies that it is associated with the repeated sprintability of professional footballers (Dupont, McCall et al. 2010b). In fact, the VO2 kinetics could make a more important contribution than the VO2max to the ability of a football player to perform activities repeatedly during a football match. The ability to repeat sprints has been proven for professional footballers compared to amateur players (Rampinini et al. 2009); Although the VO2max was similar between professional and amateur players, the VO2 kinetics in the professional group was better. Therefore, VO2 kinetics are considered an important aerobic property (maybe more important than the VO2max) for an improved ability to repeat activities during a football match.

Another proof of the importance of aerobic fitness in professional football are studies that have significant relationship between aerobic performance and ligation show (Krustrup et al. 2005).

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Aziz, A.R. Chia, M., Teh, K.C (2000): The relationship between maximum oxygen uptake and repeated sprint performance indices in field hockey and soccer players. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness: 40 (3): 195-200.

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